September 29, 2024 in Releases by David Wiseman2 minutes
Custom Reports pickers, Object execution stats improvement & more
The object execution stats chart on the performance tab previously showed the top 20 stored procedures for each interval. The list of stored procedures in the chart and on the tooltip was sorted alphabetically.
The new version now shows the top 5 stored procedures overall and for each time period. These are now sorted to show the procedures in order of the selected metric across the whole time period. This change makes it easier to focus on what’s most important. If you want to see more items, just change the option in the Top menu of the chart. The chart also includes an Other category which groups the activity of the procedures that fall out of the top 5 - helping to put the activity in context. The Other category can be turned off in the Top menu.
The default metric is now Duration (ms/sec) instead of Total Duration. CPU (ms/sec) is also available. This makes bars that don’t span the same amount of time easier to compare.
Note: sp_BlitzWho is listed ahead of dbo.DatabaseBackup and dbo.CommandExecute (Executed as part of dbo.DatabaseBackup and double counted) as it’s the procedure with the most CPU usage for the whole time period
Enhance your custom reports with selection lists for your custom parameters.
Click the gear icon on your report an select “Edit Pickers”.
Enter a list of items or have the list populated dynamically from a stored procedure!
DBA Dash now captures if SQL is configured to receive patching through Windows updates. SQL patching via Windows updates can be configured via Windows update settings or via group policy:
The setting is shown on the SQL Patching tab. Checked = enabled. Unchecked = not enabled. Square (indeterminate) = Unknown.
Note: This setting is collected as part of the ServerExtraProperties collection. The service account requires either WMI access OR sysadmin.
Should you patch SQL Server via Windows update?
I like this option for pre-production environments. For production environments I prefer to use dbatools to explicitly install a specific version that I know has received some testing.
See 3.11.0 release notes for a full list of fixes.